EECP review 成果及其追蹤 對各心臟疾病之作用 療效原理 IEPR 國內文獻


A Report from the International Enhanced External Counterpulsation Registry (IEPR)
Holubkov R, Kennard E, Kelsey S, Soran O.
Advances in Coronary Artery Diseases-4th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease.
2001 Oct 21-24;(Prague, Czech Republic):387-391.


The International EECP Patient Registry (IEPR): Design, Methods, Baseline Characteristics
and Acute Results
Barsness G, Feldman AM, Holmes Jr. DR, Holubkov R, Kelsey SF, Kennard ED.
Clinical Cardiology. 2001 Jun;24(6):435-442.


Does Higher Diastolic Augmentation Predict Clinical Benefit from Enhanced External Counterpulsation?: Data from the International EECP Patient Registry (IEPR)
Michaels AD, Kennard ED, Kelsey SE, Holubkov R, Soran O, Spence S, Chou TM.
Clinical Cardiology. 2001 Jun;24(6):453-458.


Relation of the Pattern of Diastolic Augmentation During a Course of Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) to Clinical Benefit [from the International EECP Patient Registry (IEPR)]
Lakshmi MV, Kennard ED, Kelsey SF, Holubkov R, Michaels AD.
American Journal of Cardiology. 2002 Jun 1;89(11):1303-1305.


Enhanced External Counterpulsation as Treatment for Chronic Angina in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction: A Report from the International EECP Patient Registry (IEPR)
Soran O, Kennard ED, Kelsey SF, Holubkov R, Strobeck J, Feldman AM.
Congestive Heart Failure. 2002 Nov-Dec;8(6):297-302.


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